Character Development
Characters to describe: Dr. Nathaniel, Dr. Paul, General Adil.
Dr. Nathaniel- A smart man, one who knows how to alter DNA as if it was a child's game. However he does have many major downsides. Dr Nathaniel isn't aware of when things go too far, nor does he know how to give up. This may sounds like a good thing, it will actually be his undoing. His persistence will lead to him not being able to drop something and go, even when in danger. (He didn't get to learn much as he dies early into the film, this won't be incorporated into the film opening so it should be stated here.)
Dr. Paul- Dr. Nathaniel's colleague, also a wise person (hence why he's a scientist !!) Paul has many attributes but also has many downgrades, such as his deep perception of all things, living or not. He somehow became scientist when he failed Algebra 2, he lacks natural brain power but has a deep understanding on things he cares about. If Dr. Paul finds something insignificant or boring, he won't remember it/disregard it really quick. This characteristic of forgetting things like this are quickly shattered as he goes through heart-ache and suffrage since he disregarded so much. His fun and energetic personality or quickly configurated into a gloomy and sad personality. This change did have its upsides though, as it made him smarter in the real world and learned to not disregard anything. This didn't just change his personality, it also changed his body, transforming from a skinny plain looking man to a muscular, plain looking man.)
General Adil- Killed super early in the film, doesn't learn much. However from his short fight scene with T-63 (the monster) we can easily point out that General Adil is a very sly, yet powerful artillery commander. He knows how to lead his squadron and motivate them to their best. (Most of which isn't to be included within the film opening, but some will be implied)
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