For production skills, I lack a lot of it. It isn't because I don't know what i'm doing, rather I don't know how to manage my time. I'm often leaving these really important productions to the last minute and I suffer because of that.
And of course, i'm the one in charge...
I don't know why i'm always picked for these things when I have no clue what I am even doing.
Since I am the one in charge, I have to direct, and a director holds a lot of responsibility. My production skills improved greatly since my last project since I had to direct that project as well and was stuck with an absolute moron of a partner. You know who you are.
Throughout this project, my skills have improved. I have learned what it takes to be a good director which is be demanding . This was the only way I can have my ideas come to life and how I want them to be portrayed in the film. I also had to be demanding to my actor in the film. I had to tell him what to do and how to do it which was frustrating sometimes because the actor in the film did not do it the way I wanted it to be. So, I also learned how to be patient with the film. Being a cameraman also taught me to be patient. I learned that angles are very important to the film because it helps show the directors idea in different views. So, I struggled a bit with the right camera angle I wanted. But after a couple of different takes and being patient I was able to get the camera shots I wanted for the film.
I also developed skills in editing, since I knew I couldn't rely on others to do the editing for me from past project experience. I was forced to watch youtube tutorials for the longest time ever to find an app I like and how to operate it.

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