Wednesday, February 12, 2025

One Media Theory

 The cultivation theory- Particular violent content, can lead to people to view the world as more dangerous than it actually is.

Why do I want to include this theory...

This gives my film a sense of fear. 

The monster in my film (still yet to name) will unleash utter destruction on cities. Many will look at this and automatically assume this is happening globally, but it really isn't. There is only 1 monster and it remains in one area. It will not move anywhere. 

The film is meant to take in London, however due to expenses and being a minor, we obviously can't do that so you're gonna have to pretend!!!

If the film is meant to only take place in London, every other country (besides neighboring countries) is essentially neutral. Nothing substantial happens in other parts of the world. To emphasize, everything but London is safe. 

This minor detail leads people to believe that this world is pure chaos, but it's really just London. 

This is pretty similar to the entirety of the Godzilla series up until King of the Monsters and all films after, as Godzilla and all other Kaiju's become global threats and not just Tokyo.

Analysis: If I were to incorporate the cultivation theory into my film, it could give the film some sort of dynamic that goes into depth on the chaos ensuing in London. Leading to people believing this is a global threat when in reality it really isn't. People from other countries would be mortified upon hearing the news, but will most likely go back to their normal lives after a week or so once gaining the information that this will not affect others as the monster is relatively slow and can't swim.

The film could also mirror Jurassic World (specifically only the first one) 

Jurassic World (1) mainly focusses on the park, but everyone in the film acts as if this will become a global cataclysmic event (FORESHADOWING!!!!! :0000) (but in this film nothing directly indicates this) 

JW (1) highlights the extremes of dinosaurs outside of captivity, mainly the Indominus Rex, the main antagonist dinosaur of the film. In the first JW movie, only the park would be in chaos, as none of the dinosaurs can escape to mainland as it is too far, including the marine dinosaurs.

(Besides the horribly inaccurate Mosasaur, but that was in captivity still) which emphasizes the fact that the entirety of the world is actually fine (AS OF NOW!!!) and only the park is chaotic and frightening. 
The cultivation theory is a really interesting media theory that can give a little more life to the film world that meets the eye.

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