Thursday, February 13, 2025

Summary of my film. (Life finds a way)



The summary of my film is below, and it may be recognizable if you saw a previous blog of mine..

A godzilla inspired film, given by my teacher due to the fact that our group had no idea as to what to do. The setting of this film lies within a dark forest.

The story dynamic may be derived from Jurassic World/Park, symbolizing how science will be the demise of the human race as they never seem to learn their lesson to not mess with nature. Take the new Jurassic World Rebirth trailer for example, the new abnormality is a scientific abomination known as the D-Rex (Deformed T-Rex) which is the result of 60% T-Rex Dna, but 40% is filled by random species, varying from Dolphin to frog to Cats.

This mirrors my film a bit as it emphasizes the fact that humanity should really stop messing with the laws of nature and science. The monster also gets out because scientists got too cocky. They believed they had a superiority complex, but they really didn't, leading to their deaths.

Basically, stop messing with nature and science : )

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