Sunday, March 16, 2025

Research for CCR #2

 Engaging with audiences is something I am not good at, not online nor offline. I just suck at getting people. I don't know what they want, how i'm supposed to respond to a certain action they do, it all just freaks me out. I have a lot of work to do.

My product engages with audiences by providing visual desperation, connecting to those who are more into the mystery and chaos categories. The purpose of such images is to entice the viewer and have him or her experience a mood or attitude of agony and despair. 

Product distribution:

As a real media text, this film opening would be distributed similarly to actual film openings. After it is created and completed, finds a distributor, market, or self distribute it. It would likely be a film opening that is going to be promoted specifically for Youtube since the majority of film openings are set there and it is one of the most popular platforms so more people who regularly don't look at this stuff may give it a chance if we get lucky. 

Thats all I got for this CCR research segment due to it being rather straight forward and simple.

Thanks for tuning in.

Saturday, March 15, 2025

Research for CCR #4

To maximize the film's potential, integrating technology into this project was essential. One way we utilized technology was through Google; this allowed me to explore various film openings and understand which ones inspired me, providing insight for my project. 

We also utilized YouTube which enabled me to view more film openings and even revisit earlier Aice Media Studies film openings, aiding me in understanding my task better since I initially had no clear direction. 

To film my opening, I had to rely on my phone to capture the whole movie because I didn't have access to the high-quality cameras that professional directors use. (I have a Gopro but I lack a SD card and i'm not spending that much money on this project T_T) 

However, I think my phone provides good quality since it's one of the newer models released. To edit my movie, I utilized various apps for different tasks like cropping, adding background music, and including credits in the film. The applications I utilized were Adobe Premiere Pro and Capcut for adding music (I still don't know how to put music in Adobe without it sounding odd).

Integrating technology into my project assisted me in producing the film and for that matter without technology this class wouldn't even exist. 

Remember that. 

We also used technology and hardware in abstract ways as well.

We used a tripod as a ray gun, this sounds stupid but it's very much true. Without the legs out it looks like a smaller gun and with the legs out it looks like a sniper. I find it very fun and it's still kid friendly because it is just a tripod :D 

If you just slant your head slightly you might be able to see it (it really just depends on the person)

That's all, nothing more to see here. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

Research for CCR #3

 For production skills, I lack a lot of it. It isn't because I don't know what i'm doing, rather I don't know how to manage my time. I'm often leaving these really important productions to the last minute and I suffer because of that.

And of course, i'm the one in charge...


I don't know why i'm always picked for these things when I have no clue what I am even doing. 

Since I am the one in charge, I have to direct, and a director holds a lot of responsibility. My production skills improved greatly since my last project since I had to direct that project as well and was stuck with an absolute moron of a partner. You know who you are. 

Throughout this project, my skills have improved. I have learned what it takes to be a good director which is be demanding . This was the only way I can have my ideas come to life and how I want them to be portrayed in the film. I also had to be demanding to my actor in the film. I had to tell him what to do and how to do it which was frustrating sometimes because the actor in the film did not do it the way I wanted it to be. So, I also learned how to be patient with the film. Being a cameraman also taught me to be patient. I learned that angles are very important to the film because it helps show the directors idea in different views. So, I struggled a bit with the right camera angle I wanted. But after a couple of different takes and being patient I was able to get the camera shots I wanted for the film.

I also developed skills in editing, since I knew I couldn't rely on others to do the editing for me from past project experience. I was forced to watch youtube tutorials for the longest time ever to find an app I like and how to operate it.

I learned how to use Adobe in a way I haven't been able to before, and I took the television class where all you do is learn about adobe (how is it possible I learned it better on my one T_T) 
I did not know very much on editing and putting films together but after playing around with different apps and finding ones that worked best with my film, which being adobe, I developed many production skills within this film project that helped me with my film.

Thanks to my teacher for putting in example blog's because I was so lost for a while. U^U

Thursday, March 13, 2025

Group meeting #2 (in replacement for CCR #4 post)

 The final group meeting before the project is due, tension is at the max, no filming has been done yet.

Boy am I in a pickle. 

Luckily I had one of the best groups for this meeting. They gave me so much advice that will help me improve upon my creation process. My partners gave the advice that I should add low-key lighting.

I have been behind in my film opening so they have given me tips for when they have had issues with filming and overall props. 

I can't mess up now with all the knowledge my comrades have bestowed upon me. 

Its about time I locked in.
For the first piece of advice they suggested that I recorded the monster breakout scenes from the monster POV so it is easier to film and breaking an entire glass case won't be necessary. Instead of a black screen with glass cracking, it will look like the camera is banging on the chamber. 

This will provide future use as we don't have to scale up the monster's size with editing nor would we have to sculp a final product of the monster since; again, it is in the monster's POV. So only two sculpts of the monsters will be necessary, one for the monster slowly taking form, and the other one with legs, fin and a tail. Emphasizing the life merging and becoming one. 

Another bit of advice was to film the project at around 6:30 and start preparing at 5:30 PM. This will give a realistic effect to the film shoot as the eerie night slowly creeps in, setting the tone of the film.

I also had a bit of issues with costuming as the lab coats I was able to obtain had these giant logos on them, which was completely different from the company name we had in mind. It was suggested that I create my own logo (make sure the size fully covers the logo) and print it. Too not ruin the fabric I decided to use safety pins and attach the logo from the back. Making the coat now look like an original. 

The final change made to the film is that the film shooting within the forest will not be necessary as a backyard will suffice fine, as the house we are filming in is used as the lab, another point was made that it wouldn't make sense for a lab to be in a forest, it just doesn't work. So the lab remains the same, House, and the scene where the monster breaks out is the monster breaking out of the glass and running out into the backyard. 

My partners projects:


This project is a film centered around a teenage girl, who is ignoring her phone notifications instead of replying with urgency, seeming bothered by the notifications rather than caring. Like any other teenager would if they were getting that many notifications. Going about the idea of teens who are attached to their phones. It represents online mistaken identities, how digital images often mislead us. 

The Best Blog Ever:

Horror/Slasher film, typical genre conventions are at play with this film. Woods/forest setting and teenage victims. the story gradually shifts from slasher to a psychological thriller. The real threat isn't just the villain but also the protagonist's perception of reality.



Takes inspiration from the video game Hello neighbor, the film is about a kid who plays games a lot and is mysteriously cursed by his console, bringing the villains from the games into his life, haunting him. Seems to be a horror film.


Horror/Psychological thriller film. 

Horror aspect: focuses on explicit, graphic and supernatural elements. Darker lighting, fast paced shots and costume designs with blood on them.

Psychological thriller aspect: using techniques like trauma, paranoia, confusion, uncertainty, and more subtle displays or elements of horror. The traumatic experiences of watching his wife's death occur in front of him to pledge him into deeper thoughts, mentally damaging him, causing him to inevitably be caught by the zombie.

Thats all, overall this group meeting helped all of us improve our films and we had a good time talking about our films.

Stay Tuned!!

Research for CCR #2

 Engaging with audiences is something I am not good at, not online nor offline. I just suck at getting people. I don't know what they wa...