Friday, February 28, 2025

Building a film's identity. (Production Post #2)

 Building a film's identity.

The movie's visual language takes shape when filmmakers use cinematography with defined colors and lighting techniques together with camera movement before actual filmmaking begins. The director along with the cinematographer and production designer and costume designer unify their creative efforts to establish a unified design framework.

Defining the Cinematic Palette.

A movie's color selection foundation plays vital part in establishing its emotional atmosphere. Color scripts and mood boards serve during pre-production to build a consistent visual quality. 

For example: Golden tones used in Dune convey both majesty and coziness to the scenes.

Mystery together with tension arises from cool desaturated color choices such as in The Batman. 

Neon colors presented with high contrast create an otherworldly and futuristic appearance (John Wick).

Choosing the right camera and lenses.

Camera along with lens type options directly influence audience perception during a film viewing. Film makers can use wide-angle lenses to stretch spaces in their shots yet telephoto lenses give their images a flat depth with a feeling of watching from a distance. 

 EX: The movie production of Titan requires filming techniques which combine:

Slow zooms for suspense Handheld shaky cam for chaos Extreme close-ups for intensity. 

These three elements within the film would build up its growing tension through multiple points throughout the story.

Lighting as a storytelling tool.

The source of illumination serves purposes beyond safety which include the creation of emotional and mood-based atmospheres. Through proper lighting design planning a regular scene can become dramatically more appealing to the eye. 

Key techniques include: 

Heavy shadows that appear in low-key lighting produce tension in films (The Godfather, Alien).

A bright and soft lighting setup creates an open and attractive visual atmosphere in movies (La La Land).

The combination of silhouettes with backlighting techniques creates both mysterious effects and dimensional scale (just like the Tyrannosaurus Rex scene in Jurassic Park).

Finally, Bringing it to life in production.

Running the project plan becomes the task for the team after setting the blueprint in the visual domain. The director of photography maintains absolute alignment between the creative vision's lighting requirements and frames along with movement of the entire production.

The realism of movies increases through practical visual elements such as rain and fog and fires because these effects bring more authenticity to film scenes. 

The director controls energy levels by using static cameras for dread creation and moving cameras for creating urgent scenes. 

During action sequences filmmakers must use handheld camera techniques for feeling involvement and establish composed supported camera work for maintaining visual understanding to maintain audience focus on the action. 

A perfect marriage of realistic textures, managed destructive elements and environmental illumination would lead Titan toward excellence in the creature-feature horror division. Making a film feel unforgettable through defining its cinematic style extends beyond visual appeal to encompass collaborational result.

Thursday, February 27, 2025

How Pre-production is the most important phase in filmmaking. (Production Post#1)


 Most individuals think of movie production as camera operation with actor performance alongside visual effects magic. The pre-production period establishes foundations that enable a project to run seamlessly during its shoot. All film productions regardless of their size start their transformation phase during the pre-production period.

What is pre-production?

The first production stage happens before cameras begin recording where all necessary plans are developed to ensure proper execution. The development of the script follows by bringing together crew members while mapping out production needs before gathering all mandatory materials. Through complete planning during pre-production all foreseeable challenges can be minimized.

Key Steps in Pre-Production.

Script Development: Any film starts its foundation with a written screenplay. Multiple script revisions take place during pre-production to achieve both a compelling narrative and affordable movie production quality. Filmmakers first perfect story structure and character arcs as well as dialogue content before progressing with production.

Storyboarding: Development of a storyboard visually sequenced key scenes enables directors and cinematographers to prepare their camera angles and movement and determine framing. The planned shots appear in a list format which enhances operational efficiency during production. The organizational procedure prevents confusion and allows for the maximum expression of creative vision.

Location and Set Design: Film storytelling heavily relies on proper location selection. Cinematographers need to determine if they will film on site or construct dedicated sets for their production. The location scouting team finds beautiful sites which also provide good logistical options yet the production design team builds the sets and decides what props to use along with the entire visual design scheme.

Costuming: Costume designers design clothing which both identifies actors' roles and matches the projected film environment. The hair and makeup professionals dedicate their time to character transformation work which advances the production requirements from beginning to end.

Wednesday, February 26, 2025

Scene Planning-Titan

Titan- A monster film concept.

The sci-fi horror concept of Titan draws its inspiration from Jurassic World while introducing sinister elements into the plot. The plot follows a genetically modified creature which operators failed to perfect as their attempt to create an advanced biological technology. When the genetically modified creature breaks free from its laboratory containment it creates uncontrolled disorder as it moves towards the urban area.

Opening Sequence Breakdown.

Setting the tone: The movie begins with a high-tech laboratory filled with scientists who observe a dangerous activity inside a large containment device. Something unnatural stirs inside.

The Escape: The creature escapes while breaking glass until red emergency lighting along with alarm sounds activate across the facility. Security fails to contain it.

We see the creature take its departure into the night before we transition to show the city skyline which remains peaceful before power failures start to occur. The monster is coming. (Oooooooooo spooky...)


The establishing wide angle drone camera shot reveals the secluded facility in the middle of night during a sober mood that feels both chilling and foreboding. A filming motion controls a camera dollie from lab entrance to reveal scientists working in a sterile facility environment.

 Control prevails in the situation while imminent tension looms in the background. The test subjects exhibit bio-reading changes as the procedure becomes unstable on the testing monitor.

 Mood: Foreshadowing something going wrong. 

Dr. Nathaniel and Dr. Paul sit eye-to-eye in medium shot where their monitored nervousness while observing the creature becomes visible. 

Mood: Doubt and unease growing. 

A significant figure appears inside the containment tank as we view it from below. 

Mood: A sense of size and power. Scientists hold a distorted glass view inside the tank through which the Creature notices them as blurry and otherworldly entities who produce an unsettling atmosphere. The monster reveals an unnaturally distorted mental state through its point of view. The glass cracks appear under an extreme close-up while the tension within the glass grows steadily. 


A wide shot shows the creature breaking through the tank wall. The camera moves in slow motion showing debris falling during this scene. As the glass breaks the water drives out and the creature appears. The atmosphere consists of spectacular and awe-inspiring elements merged with terrifying sensations. This angle presents the creature above the wreckage to show its frightening form to viewers.

Before disappearing into the forest shadows the monster leaps into the air in a wide-shot scene under the moonlit night. Security forces are shown in disarray by an aircraft vantage point above while additional helplessness inspiration exists in the scene. 

The shot reveals how the creature observes the burning facility from its shoulder vantage point before leaving the night behind. The story switches to the urban landscape while featuring a nighttime shot of its skyline which demonstrates complete opposition to the preceding devastation. 

Neon signs together with streetlamps shine throughout the city streets which remain unaware of their impending danger. A tilt-up camera angle shows people frequenting a bustling street which gives viewers a falsified feeling of protection. The phantasmagoric (something that seems unreal.) reality emphasizes itself through flickering streetlights which become visible due to a minor Dutch angle.

A small glitch emerges first through a hand-held phone screen that hints at bigger disturbances set to ensue. A wide shot displays a large shadow which slips between buildings during the background frames before disappearing without giving away many details.

At the film openings completion the camera shows the monster advancing through the darkness from a low perspective while its massive body hides the city lights. When the monster displays its eyes with their neon-red color it becomes obvious that this creature comes to hunt.

 A roaring noise accompanies an aerial panorama where the power grid fails sequentially which leaves the city sections to descend into total darkness. The film cuts to black, leaving only the echoes of destruction in the distance. 

The lab section of this sequence uses deliberate smooth camera operations for establishing security while the escape transition consists of erratic handheld movements. 

To create suspense before showing the complete citywide disaster both slow transitions and light/dark contrasts with silhouettes and gradual reveals through the scene. Through these cinematographic methods the story builds tension progressively until it reaches its peak in an unsettling moment which establishes the foundations of the complete story.

Sunday, February 23, 2025

Mise en scene (Lighting) For Titan.


(I don't exactly know how to describe this so i'll be showing you how it will be implementing within the film opening instead.)

Remote scientific facility- NIGHT

Low-key lighting dominates the scene. While an ominous moonlight produces prolonged strangely sinister shapes throughout the compound. Security warning lights on the fences flash occasionally with red light in a pattern that maintains tension throughout. The building complex demonstrates an ominous presence due to its fluorescent exterior illumination which produces a clinical and distant atmosphere. The trees around the facility present a dark picture because their silhouettes cannot be clearly seen beneath the scarce moonlight. 

Laboratory area- NIGHT

The laboratory rooms contain white light from fluorescent bulbs which creates an unsettling harshness while extending an unnatural sterility across the area. The glass capsule where they keep the creature shines with a sickening greenish-blue emission which suggests the entity produces unstable power. The control panels create a cool blue and red illumination that stands against the overhead bright lighting. A slight flickering of laboratory lights warns of the rising strength of the creature as it begins to move. When the creature moves shadows stretch in abnormal ways across room walls while generating discomfort.

Breakout scene- NIGHT

A power surge triggers the unexpected flickering of lights after the creature hits the glass wall of its enclosure. When the tank shatters the lights become instantaneously black before emergency red lighting illuminates the whole area. The electrical panel sparks generate strobe lighting that produces sudden flash bursts through the room while simulating the frightened scientist movement patterns. The destitute illumination inside the darkness stems from the creature displaying its laser red-colored eyes.

City streets- NIGHT

The machine generates chaotic explosions that devastate street lights to create total darkness across several city blocks and the fires burning from destroyed cars and broken gas lines illuminate the scene with red-orange light. The creature's form appears through shattered windows of skyscrapers that produce scattered reflections. Through fire and shadows the monstrous figure carries itself across the road as exposure to light reveals limited parts of its body. The moving beams of helicopter searchlights intermittently display parts of the hidden beast which creates tension through limited visibility of its shape. When the final roar from the skyline ceases the city becomes completely blackened by darkness except for the distant red firelight and emergency illumination before we reach the end of the sequence. 

Overall lighting concept- The film opening will show a step-by-step evolution of lighting from the clinical man-made laboratory illumination through the disorganized red emergency lights during the escape and concludes with the-city-under-attack backdrop featuring both power outages and fires. Visual storytelling transforms from orderly conditions to panic to complete destruction which strengthens the growing threat of the creature in addition to setting up the film's main tone.

(if it isn't obvious, godzilla is the main influence of this film opening.)

Friday, February 21, 2025

Mise-en scene 1(Costuming)

 As our film opening takes similar costuming to Godzilla and Jurassic Park/World, the following costumes are likely to be incorporated. 

lab coats, "Military" uniforms, or casual uniforms. 

Costumes are designed to be functional and not too distracting. 

Costumes could also reflect the era of time the people are in.

Lab Coat symbolization.

The lab coats are used to signify that the characters wearing these coats are scientists, these coats will have a special logo on them to tell audiences that these are the esteemed scientists working on T-63 (the monster). Making them significant to the overall story.

Military Uniforms

A rather self explanatory one, members of the military will wear this uniform. 

These are the people who will go up against T-63. 

Casual uniforms

Only to be incorporated on normal civilians, or the main focus of the story when they are not at their jobs.

Costumes are used to clearly indicate a characters profession or social status, like military uniforms for soldiers and lab coats for scientists. 

For T-63 on the other hand, he isn't fully shown within the film, so the only thing needed for him would be minimal spikes (maybe, still not in the know yet), a fake claw, and serrated teeth (We will just use the mouth of a dog.)

Thats all folks!!

(awfully short since it is just costuming)

Thursday, February 20, 2025



Audio is arguably one of the most important elements within a modern film, as it can help emphasize the severity of a scene, or the tone of the scene.

What audio will incorporated within my film opening???? 

Since there is a monster in my film (Named T-63) it would be fitting to add a lot of loud noises.

Such as:

Loud footsteps (similar to those in Jurassic Park) 

Loud thuds and smashes. (Wall banging and rocks being broken down/Rubble sounds)

Gripping bundles of rocks. 

Since there is a monster, humans are as well as this is a film based on the real world (semi real maybe?) 

And only naturally humans will retaliate.

So sound effects could be like gun sounds (obviously it won't be shown)

Running sound effects 

Screaming sound effects

falling sound effects

Most or all of these will be using the folly method (I think that is spelled right???)

Wednesday, February 19, 2025

Character development !!!

 Character Development

Characters to describe: Dr. Nathaniel, Dr. Paul, General Adil.

Dr. Nathaniel- A smart man, one who knows how to alter DNA as if it was a child's game. However he does have many major downsides. Dr Nathaniel isn't aware of when things go too far, nor does he know how to give up. This may sounds like a good thing, it will actually be his undoing. His persistence will lead to him not being able to drop something and go, even when in danger. (He didn't get to learn much as he dies early into the film, this won't be incorporated into the film opening so it should be stated here.) 

Dr. Paul- Dr. Nathaniel's colleague, also a wise person (hence why he's a scientist !!) Paul has many attributes but also has many downgrades, such as his deep perception of all things, living or not. He somehow became scientist when he failed Algebra 2, he lacks natural brain power but has a deep understanding on things he cares about. If Dr. Paul finds something insignificant or boring, he won't remember it/disregard it really quick. This characteristic of forgetting things like this are quickly shattered as he goes through heart-ache and suffrage since he disregarded so much. His fun and energetic personality or quickly configurated into a gloomy and sad personality. This change did have its upsides though, as it made him smarter in the real world and learned to not disregard anything. This didn't just change his personality, it also changed his body, transforming from a skinny plain looking man to a muscular, plain looking man.) 

General Adil- Killed super early in the film, doesn't learn much. However from his short fight scene with T-63 (the monster) we can easily point out that General Adil is a very sly, yet powerful artillery commander. He knows how to lead his squadron and motivate them to their best. (Most of which isn't to be included within the film opening, but some will be implied) 

Sunday, February 16, 2025

Script for film project

(Takes place in a dark forest, Facility is located deep within the forest, separated from society.)


Title Card: Titan (yes I changed it already, last one was really corny.) (Title font will be dark red.)


A vast, high-tech, and eerie research compound, nestled deep in the wilderness. The moon casts long shadows, and the wind howls through the trees.


Illuminating lights buzz above. Researchers in white coats move rhythmically while using their keyboards intensely. Monitors blink with complex data. The ominous oversized tank which consumes the center of the space contains an acid like liquid. 

DR. NATHANIEL , stands at a control panel, eyes wide with nervous anticipation. His face reflects a mix of dread and fascination.

DR. NATHANIEL (quietly, to himself, working.)

DR. PAUL (colleague) stands beside him, watching the tank. The atmosphere is thick with tension.

DR. PAUL (uneasy) Are you sure this is safe? The creature… it's changing every hour.

DR. NATHANIEL (confident but tense) It’s what we signed up for, Paul. We engineered it. We control it.

A loud, disturbing growl echoes through the facility, the sound almost animalistic, deep and guttural. The lab lights flicker.

DR. NATHANIEL (stiffening) That… that can't be good. 

The creature inside the tank stirs violently, throwing its massive body against the walls. The murky liquid splashes against the glass, as the tank rattles ominously. The creature’s figure finally comes into focus—towering with unnatural proportions. Its eyes glow a menacing shade of black and green.

DR. NATHANIEL (eyes wide) it's… awake.

The tank begins to crack under the pressure as the creature roars, its primal fury filling the entire lab.

(Shown with a black background screen with effects added onto it since we can't be breaking anything :) 

DR. NATHANIEL (screaming) Lock it down! LOCK IT DOWN!

DR NATHANIEL falls down due to his increasing fear of the situation.

The room erupts into chaos as alarms blare. The creature slams against the glass again, and it shatters in a violent burst of liquid and metal.

Scientists scatter in panic.

DR. PAUL (screaming) We have to contain it! We can’t let it reach the city!

But it’s too late. The creature climbs over the lab’s railing, its terrifying form towering above them, its monstrous claws scraping against the walls.

(Shown with just a scaly hand grasping upon a rail.)


The creature bursts through the side of the facility, leaping into the wild night. The facility’s security forces are too late to react, and it’s clear: this is no ordinary escape.

(Bursting through the side of the facility will only be emphasized through sound effects.)


The city skyline is tranquil under a blanket of stars. But the peacefulness is broken by an unsettling roar from the distance.

A military officer, GENERAL ADIL, standing in the corner, his eyes glued to the large behemoth showing the monster's path heading toward the city.

GENERAL ADIL (Bites down on his teeth in anger, knowing the city and all forces will be in for a world of suffering in only a matter of minutes.)



The monster, a nightmarish behemoth, emerges from the forest line. Its massive form towers over buildings as it rips through the city streets, its roar echoing across the urban landscape.


An ominous shadow looms over the city, blotting out the stars as the creature’s silhouette stretches across the urban horizon.


Thursday, February 13, 2025

Summary of my film. (Life finds a way)



The summary of my film is below, and it may be recognizable if you saw a previous blog of mine..

A godzilla inspired film, given by my teacher due to the fact that our group had no idea as to what to do. The setting of this film lies within a dark forest.

The story dynamic may be derived from Jurassic World/Park, symbolizing how science will be the demise of the human race as they never seem to learn their lesson to not mess with nature. Take the new Jurassic World Rebirth trailer for example, the new abnormality is a scientific abomination known as the D-Rex (Deformed T-Rex) which is the result of 60% T-Rex Dna, but 40% is filled by random species, varying from Dolphin to frog to Cats.

This mirrors my film a bit as it emphasizes the fact that humanity should really stop messing with the laws of nature and science. The monster also gets out because scientists got too cocky. They believed they had a superiority complex, but they really didn't, leading to their deaths.

Basically, stop messing with nature and science : )

Group meeting #2 (in replacement for CCR #4 post)

 The final group meeting before the project is due, tension is at the max, no filming has been done yet. Boy am I in a pickle.  Luckily I ha...